E-GK 09 - Corona

KW 13 – E-GK09 | 23.-27.03.2020

Dear students, it’s week number 2 concerning our online-teaching. This week’s idea is to practice grammar – there’s a lot to do… Before you start working, read this, please. You are invited so our daily blog.

  • Now open a new textdocument that you send to your teacher on Friday, 27th. Name it like this: KW 13 – E-KG 09 – family-name name.docx

Monday, 23rd March 2020: Interview Henry Smiles (reading)

  • The British Council homepage offers a lot of stuff for learners of English. Click here to work on the interview of Henry Smiles from TwoDirections (instructions, preparation, worksheets). You don’t have to submit your solutions, you can check your results yourself.

Tuesday, 24th March 2020: Adjective or Adverb I? (Grammar)

Adjectives describe things or persons. Adverbs describe how something is done.

  • Adjectives or Adverbs? Two links to prepare: Explanations | Exercises
  • (-> into your document): Copy and paste the following sentences and work on them: Fill in the correct forms, underline the adjectives in red, the adverbs in green.
  1. Tom Davis is very _______(strong), he can lift 100 kilos ______ (easy).
  2. Sally plays tennis _____ (good), but she isn’t ______ (good) at
  3. Be _______ (careful), please. You’re driving _________ (terrible) today.
  4. Mike is ______ (good) at football, but yesterday he ran round the field __________________ (nervous) and played ________ (bad).
  5. Fred speaks very ____ (fast).
  6. The children played ___________ (happy) on the beach, they enjoyed the _______ (nice) weather.
  7. The new music teacher plays the piano __________ (beautiful).
  8. My French penfriend speaks English ___________ (terrible), I can’t understand him ________ (good).
  9. Sandra was very __________ (hungry) yesterday, she ate two ____
    (big) pizzas.
  10. Mary looked _____ (careful) after her little sister.
  11. Look, our dog is running _________ (fast), he’s a ________ (good)
  12. Dad got up ______ (slow) in the morning, so Mum was very ______
  13. Sam dances ________ (good), he likes ______ (fast) dances.
  14. In my holiday I lie in bed _________ (lazy), I’m ______________ (happy) not to work _____ (hard) at school.
  15. The Carpenters are very _________ (happy): they painted their living-room very _____________ (cheap), now it is ________ (nice) again.
  16. _______ (good) children do their homework ________________ (careful), so their teachers can’t be _________ (angry).
  17. My mum is working ________ (hard) in the garden. She’s _____________ (angry) because Dad isn’t helping her ________ (fast).
  18. Grandma is cooking something ________ (nice): she always cooks ___
  19. Our hamster is very ______ (fast) and he’s hiding _______ (easy) in his
  20. Our teachers shouted ________ (angry) because we were so ____
  • (-> into your document): Copy and paste the following sentences and work on them: Good – well / Bad – Badly. Which word do you have to insert? Choose the right word.
  1. Mr Wilson has had three accidents so far this year. He’s a _ driver.
  2. Pat has won another Tennis Championship. She plays tennis very __.
  3. Sally has won a lot of swimming races. She’s a very __ swimmer.
  4. Linda likes drawing very much. She draws very __ pictures.
  5. People never ask Eric to sing. He sings so ___.
  6. Girls like asking Bob to dance. He dances so _.
  7. Jill can’t speak German very ____. She’s much better at French.
  8. Mrs Johnson finds it difficult to park cars. She always does it ___.

Wednesday, 25th March 2020: Adjective or Adverb II (Grammar)

  • (-> into your document): Copy and paste the following sentences and work on them
  1. Rachel likes ……….. music. She often plays the guitar …………… (loud)
  2. Then her mum is ……………… She shouts ……………….. (angry)
  3. “Can’t you play that thing …………..? It’s never ……………. in this house.” (quiet)
  4. Rachel can paint …………………. Her dad has put her most …………………… pictures up in the sittingroom. (beautiful)
  5. Alan loves …………… stories. And he can tell stories ……………, too. (good)
  6. He isn’t usually a …………. worker, but sometimes he does his homework very …………….. (fast)
  7. Then he answers questions …………….., or makes ………………… mistakes. (stupid)
  8. When he does his homework …………………., he gets a ………………. mark, of course. (bad)
  9. He wasn’t …………….. at his old school, but he goes to school quite ……………….. in London. (happy)
  • (-> into your document): And here is the last one (;-) – Copy and paste the following sentences and work on them
  1. I opened the door slow / slowly. (slowly is right)
  2. Why are you so angry / angrily?
  3. Bill is a careful / carefully driver. He always drives careful / carefully.
  4. Could you repeat that slow / slowly, please?
  5. Come on, Bill! Why are you always so slow / slowly?
  6. The party was very good / well. I enjoyed it very much.
  7. Tom didn´t do very good / well in his examination.
  8. The people in the hall shouted loud / loudly.
  9. I met them a long time ago, so I don´t remember them very good / well.
  10. You look sad / sadly. What has happened?
  11. Don´t eat your dinner so quick / quickly. It´s not good for you.
  12. I don´t want to eat that. It smells awful / awfully.
  13. I don´t want to work for that company. They pay their workers bad / badly.
  14. She is a very nice girl. She asked me very polite / politely.

Tuesday, 26th March 2020: Describing the way (vocabulary)

  • (-> into your document): Fill in the correct words. Use: turn left after | go straight ahead | turn left | between | go across | opposite | go past | next to | take the first left | turn right
  1. Die Post ist neben der Polizei. The post office is _______ the police station?
  2. Überquere die Brücke und nimm die erste Straße links. ____________ the bridge and ____________ .
  3. Gehe gerade aus und biege rechts ab. ____________ and ____________
  4. Das Restaurant ist gegenüber dem Bahnhof. The restaurant is _______ the train station.
  5. Biege nach dem Kino links ab. _____________ the cinema.
  6. Das Spital ist zwischen dem Theater und der Kirche. The hospital is _______ the theatre and the church.
  7. Gehe an der Brücke vorbei and biege bei der Ampel links ab. ____________ the bridge and ____________ at the traffic lights.
  • (-> into your document): Translate
  1. Biege nach dem Krankenhaus rechts ab.____________________________________
  2. Gehe an der Schule vorbei. ___________________________________________________
  3. Das Kino ist gegenüber der Bushaltestelle. _______________________________________
  4. Gehe über die Brücke. _______________________________________________________
  5. Die Apotheke ist hinter dem Postamt. __________________________________________
  6. Der Supermarkt ist zwischen der Telefonzelle und dem Bahnhof. ________________
  7. Die Polizeistation ist neben dem Hotel._____________________________________
  8. Gehe beim Kino geradeaus. ______________________________________________

Now send your document (KW 13 – E-GK 09 – family-name name) to your teacher! Do it till 3 pm.

Friday, 27th March 2020: Revisions